Healthy Arrowhead Chips (Ngaku)

By Our Precious Momento - Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Chinese New Year is around the corner and definitely with this MCO2.0 we're looking into having much more fun activities at home for the family. This time around we shall try to bring out the CNY festive mood a little bit by getting everyone participate in a little pre-CNY snacks preparation activity. We'd start it off by making our very own ngaku a.k.a arrowhead chips. 

These crunchy arrowhead snack is rather popular during the CNY me, once you have a can never stop crunching on them. No doubts that this definitely is an addictive snack to binge during this festive season and it is also found much easily at the hypermarkets during this period. Personally, it's a much healthier snack to have during this time, as we can personally have it made with strictly no salt and preservatives added.

To have these chips homemade is rather straightforward, all you need to do is to follow the instructions below and you can enjoy your very own arrowhead snack!! If you're still wondering what's an arrowhead's a picture of it right after purchasing them and before it's being cleaned and sliced. 

1. 1kg of arrowhead bulbs
2. Clean cooking oil

1. Wash and cut off both ends of arrowhead bulbs. 
2. Then, use a peeler to slice off the skin.
3. Once step 2 is completed, use a mandoline slicer to get thinly sliced chips. Preferably 1-1.5mm
4. Wash the sliced bulbs and put them aside to dry before frying.

Thinly sliced arrowhead bulbs, ready to be fried.

4. Next, heat up the oil in a frying pan/wok once step 3 is completed.
5. Throw in the sliced chips into the hot oil & let it fry over medium heat till it turns golden brown.
     (PS: Ensure that the chips does not overlap too much as it would stick to each other)

6. Take note once the bubbling of the oil starts to die down, the chips are now ready to be retrieved            from the frying pan/wok.
7. Place them onto a rack to cool before keeping it into an air tight container.

Based on the above steps,  we managed to get slightly more than 2 average sized plastic containers of fried Ngaku chips. Not forgetting that there were some tiny teeny yummy bits that went into our tummy along the process.. 😂😂

Oh well, it looks like we've gotta go grab more arrowhead bulbs this weekend as these would definitely finish within less than an hour. 

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